Dear Community,. a short update from the buidlers, the first one in 2022 – happy new year, everybody.

12 Jan 2022, 16:48
Dear Community, a short update from the buidlers, the first one in 2022 happy new year, everybody! Our Unibright developers have been very active in the last weeks (what was Christmas again? Nevermind let’s buidl). Also other development teams, mainly those of other Baseledger council members, agreed to pick up some extra work to catch up with some parts of the development which had been promised by former partners but had never been delivered. Good news: We have it all covered! Not only the Baseledger work itself, where currently the lakewood testnet is extended by an Ethereum <> Cosmos Bridge to ensure the proper reflection of UBT actions in Ethereum (be it for transaction costs in Baseledger, or for staking power or for revenue shares). Also adjacent components like the Solidity development, or the easy Fiat > UBT > Baseledger gateway for enterprise clients, or different anchoring mechanisms from Baseledger to Ethereum, or frontends and Dapps for proxy-staking, or extended ERP integration and much more is currently developed by different parties and should all be ready for mainnet launch in Q1. Btw, Q1 does not mean January, it means Q1 ;-) We promise to be as fast as possible but we want to deliver the best quality. Later in January we expect to have the first full Baseledger council assembly which will agree on the definite public communication in regards to all those points and also to the official onboarding procedure for new council members and validators. The developed components (and the further development) will then also be publicly viewable on the Baseledger github and contribution is welcomed! Stay tuned and have a good start into 2022!